General Studies (GST)

GST-085:  Advanced Tutoring in Disciplines  (2 Credits)  
Pre-requisite(s): ENG-090 is required.  

The Academic Center for Excellence (ACE)'s advanced tutor training course. This workshop offers continued professional development for returning/senior peer tutors who have successfully completed CRLA Level 1 training and tutoring hours requirements. This hybrid learning experience meets the necessary training requirements for peer tutors to achieve CRLA Level 2 certification and focuses on the metacognitive and psychosocial skills and pedagogical strategies necessary for advanced tutoring in all disciplines.

GST-092:  Introduction to Exploratory Studies  (0-1 Credits)  

Selecting a major is a critical component of the college experience and academic success. This class will focus on the exploration of majors and careers and assist students as they make well-informed decisions about majors. This course is designed to help students assess their interests, skills and values, available university resources, and overview of university majors and minors.

GST-095:  Strategies Academic Resilience  (0-1 Credits)  

This workshop provides students with guidance throughout the semester in order to bolster academic resiliency and develop learning strategies that can be utilized throughout their Salve career. The objectives of this workshop are the following: 1. To create and implement an individualized plan that utilizes resources across campus to enhance academic achievement. 2. To encourage self-reflection on strengths and challenges to proactively develop and/or adapt strategies that will help them achieve goals. 3. To develop learning skills that will provide a solid foundation for academic success throughout their college career.

GST-098:  Sophomore Studio  (1 Credits)  

This 1-credit workshop will give students a foundation in a variety of career development topics. Students will have an opportunity to develop and hone their skills in: Resume writing, Job, internship, and graduate school searches, Interviewing, Networking, and Career and vocation exploration. Through large and small group activities and discussion, as well as real-time practice and application, students will interact with members of the Center for Advising, Career, and Life Design, campus partners, peers, employers, and alumni.