Economics (ECN)

ECN-101:  Introductory Macroeconomics  (3 Credits)  

This course functions as a survey of economic systems, American capitalism, market structures and mechanism, macroeconomic measurements and theories and how these principles of macroeconomics relate to the basic themes of cross-cultural perspective, social justice, and global citizenship.

Fulfills Core Requirement in Social Sciences.  
Theme: Defining the American Experience.  
ECN-102:  Introductory Microeconomics  (3 Credits)  

Thisi course provides an examination of economic behavior of households, firms, and industries in both product and resource markets. Current economic topics are used to illustrate the theories.

Fulfills Core Requirement in Social Sciences.  
Theme: Defining the American Experience.  
ECN-201:  Intermediate Macroeconomics  (3 Credits)  
Pre-requisite(s): ECN-102 and MTH-191 or MTH-195 are required.  

This course offers an analysis of factors determining the level of income and employment as well as the rate of inflation and growth. The use of monetary and fiscal policy for stabilizing the economy and for accelerating growth is also addressed.

ECN-202:  Intermediate Microeconomics  (3 Credits)  
Pre-requisite(s): ECN-101 and ECN-102 or permission of instructor are required.  

This course focuses on demand and supply of consumer products and economic resources under different market structures. General equilibrium and welfare economics are also discussed.

ECN-224:  Introduction to Real Estate  (3 Credits)  

This course provides a basic introduction to real estate concepts and principles with specific and unique focus on topics central to the Salve Regina University mission and wider curriculum. The course provides an overview of real estate markets, discussion of residential and commercial property types, and analysis and application of economic and social influences on the real estate business and land use.

Theme: Defining the American Experience.  
ECN-240:  Community Based Economic Impact Study  (3 Credits)  

This course promotes Community Engaged Learning (CEL) where students collaborate with external community partners to address real-world challenges and opportunities as part of their assignments and research. Project tasks introduce students to the science and the art of using Input - Output economic multiplier theory and statistical techniques developed by the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis. Past clients have included the Naval Undersea Warfare Center, US Naval Sea Command (Washington D.C.), the Rhode Island Hospitality Association, the Newport Cliff Walk Commission, Newport Hospital, Newport Contemporary Ballet, Fall River (MA) Vietnam Wall Veterans Commission, and Salve Regina University. Students are allowed to take this course a second time for credit as the logistics, scope, and methodology varies for each course based on the client and project.

ECN-263:  Global Economics  (3 Credits)  

This course focuses on current global economic debates and challenges facing countries around the world. Topics covered include unsustainable debt, European Union, aging populations, global warming, inequality and poverty, and emerging markets.

Fulfills Core Requirement in Social Sciences.  
Theme: Building Global Awareness.  
ECN-305:  Money and Banking  (3 Credits)  
Pre-requisite(s): ECN-101 or permission of instructor is required.  

This course explores commercial banking, international markets and operations of other types of financial institutions, financial markets, the Federal Reserve System, monetary theories, and monetary policy.

ECN-307:  Introduction to Econometrics  (3 Credits)  
Pre-requisite(s): MTH-172 or MTH-191 and STA-173 are required.  

This course focuses on the application of statistical methods to the practice of analyzing economic data. Students are introduced to the fundamental principles and techniques necessary for empirical analysis in economics. The course covers topics such as linear regression analysis, hypothesis testing, model specification, and interpretation of results. Emphasis is placed on both the theoretical foundations and practical applications of econometric methods. Through course discussions, research, and project-based learning, students will develop the skills to critically evaluate economic theories and conduct their own empirical research.

ECN-314:  Comparative Economic and Political Systems  (3 Credits)  

This course explores the role of culture and its relationship to the various democratic capitalist systems that have emerged in the modern global setting. Specifically, this course provides a comparative study of the "Anglo-American" model used by English speaking people, the "Rhine model", used by continental European nations, and the "State-Directed" models used by Japan and China. It also examines the "Oligopolistic" models that characterize most of the rest of the world.

Fulfills Core Requirement in Social Sciences.  
Theme: Building Global Awareness.  
ECN-315:  Economic Growth and Development  (3 Credits)  

This course explores the theories of economic growth and development, and analysis of the problems of economic development utilizing theoretical tools and data derived from individual countries and groups of countries in a rapidly changing global politico-economy.

Fulfills Core Requirement in Social Sciences.  
Theme: Building Global Awareness.  
ECN-316:  American Economic History  (3 Credits)  

From Colonial Jamestown's commercial enterprises in the early seventeenth century to the global e-commerce of the early 21st century, economic forces have shaped the American experience. This course surveys the history of economic America from 1600 to the present. It explores the historic origins of economic growth and change, including: Colonial trade and the American Revolution; early manufacturing and westward expansion; slavery and industrialization; labor and unionization; the welfare state; and globalization.

Fulfills Core Requirement in Social Sciences.  
Theme: Defining the American Experience.  
Cross-listed with: HIS-316.  
ECN-317:  Economic Ideas in Historical Perspective  (3 Credits)  

This course follows the progression of economic ideas as they have evolved over time. The importance of the interplay between historical setting and ideas will be demonstrated. Relevance to current socio-economic and political issues and the conflicting theories that have arisen in response to those critical issues are investigated.

Fulfills Core Requirement in Social Sciences.  
Theme: What is Western Heritage?-Ancient and Modern.  
ECN-351:  Risk Management  (3 Credits)  
Pre-requisite(s): ECN-101 and ECN-102 or permission of instructor are required.  

This course explores risk assessment and management techniques, methods, and models used in industry to minimize, control, and communicate risks, including conducting various risk management protocols, providing a thorough introduction to risk management and insurance. The ability to identify/anticipate, measure, financially and operationally manage, mitigate and communicate risk exposures as a portfolio is essential to business success. As such, this course provides a basis for further exploration for those potentially entering into fields such as risk management, insurance, financial engineering, enterprise risk management, accounting, auditing (internal and external), and operations.

ECN-392:  China's Evolving Economy  (3 Credits)  

The objective of this course is to increase the understanding of China's rise as an economic superpower. Basic topics of business culture in contemporary China will be introduced. Students will also examine and discuss other emerging markets in today's global economy.

Fulfills Core Requirement in Social Sciences.  
Theme: Building Global Awareness.  
ECN-399:  Special Topics  (3 Credits)  

Special Topics courses are offered to supplement the educational experience with unique courses that are not part of the normal course offerings.

ECN-411:  International Trade and Global Corporations  (3 Credits)  
Pre-requisite(s): ECN-101 or ECN-102 is required.  

This course examines the determinants and patterns of international trade, tariffs and other barriers to trade, international trade organizations, multinational corporations, and international finance.

ECN-412:  Multinational Finance and Investments  (3 Credits)  
Pre-requisite(s): ECN-101 and ECN-102 are required.  

This course covers topics such as balance of payments, international capital movement, international monetary standards, exchange control, international financial institutions, international financial markets and international investments. These topics provide a background on the international environment as a foundation for a subsequent focus on multinational corporate managerial and operational analysis including comparative ethical, cultural, and national policy perspectives.

ECN-420:  Political Economy and Industrial Societies  (3 Credits)  

This course focuses on the interrelationship of Politics and Economics. It explores the problems of economic growth and political policy in an increasingly integrated global system. It examines competing models (free market, state-led, Marxist, etc.) and analyzes institutions, such as the International Monetary Fund and World Trade Organization, that help manage international economic relations. And it investigates the moral and cultural questions raised by globalization.

Cross-listed with: POL-420.  
ECN-490:  Public Finance and Public Policy Analysis  (3 Credits)  
Pre-requisite(s): ECN-101 and ECN-102 and junior or senior status is required.  

In this course the student will learn about the scope of government activities as they relate to the production, distribution and consumption of wealth, that is, the role the government plays in the allocation of a nation's scarce resources. Junior or senior academic standing is required.

ECN-491:  Professional Internship in Economics  (3 Credits)  

The internship program is designed to provide students with the opportunity to gain practical work experience in a responsible position in a business or government agency. Interns are provided with meaningful work assignments and assigned research projects related to their work experience. Opportunities are developed in consultation with the course instructor and department chair and require approval of both. Two internships may be completed (a total of 6 credits) as long as a second internship is completed at a different organization. Junior or senior academic standing is required. The second internship if approved is applied as an elective.

Cross-listed with: MGT-491 and ACC-491.  
ECN-499:  Independent Study  (1 Credits)  

Supervised study in an area not available in regularly scheduled courses. Junior or senior academic standing, acceptance of project by a faculty member and permission of the department chair are required.