Global Business and Economics Minor

The minor in Global Business and Economics is open to students from all disciplines and provides a substantial foundation for a career in today's international business environment. Students in the program are prepared to navigate the complexities of global commerce by gaining an understanding of the interactions between business practices and the global economy. Through coursework examining areas such as managing international economic relations, investigating moral and cultural questions raised by globalization, comparing economic and political systems, and discussing global warming, inequality and poverty, and emerging markets, students are prepared for a wide range of diverse opportunities in the international sector. Additionally, students gain insight into the legal, political, and cultural factors shaping international business environments, helping to prepare them for diverse career paths in multinational corporations, government agencies, non-profit organizations, and international trade associations where they can contribute to the development and implementation of global business strategies. Students completing a minor in Global Business and Economics are required to take the following eight courses (24 credits):

Required Courses
ECN-101Introductory Macroeconomics3
ECN-102Introductory Microeconomics3
ECN-263Global Economics3
ECN-314Comparative Economic and Political Systems3
ECN-392China's Evolving Economy3
MGT-120Principles of Business Management3
MGT-280Principles of Marketing3
Additional Requirement (choose one)3
One additional language course in the same language above the University core requirement.
One semester of a professional internship.
Total Credits24