Accounting Minor

The minor in Accounting provides students with a foundational understanding of financial reporting, analysis, and managerial accounting principles essential for various professional endeavors. Through a curriculum covering topics such as financial statement preparation, taxation, and cost accounting, students develop critical skills in analyzing financial data, interpreting regulations, and making informed business decisions. Emphasizing practical applications and problem-solving techniques, the minor offers opportunities for hands-on experience through internships, projects, and volunteer opportunities, allowing students to apply theoretical knowledge in real-world contexts. Additionally, students gain insight into the ethical considerations and regulatory frameworks governing financial reporting practices, preparing them for roles in accounting, finance, auditing, consulting, and other related fields where strong financial acumen and attention to detail are highly valued. Students completing a minor in Accounting are required to take five classes (19 credits), as listed below:

ACC-101Financial Accounting4
ACC-104Managerial Accounting4
ACC-201Intermediate Accounting I4
ACC-311Intermediate Accounting II4
Complete one of the following courses:3
Strategic Cost Management
Federal Income Taxes I
Accounting Information Systems
Total Credits19