General Studies

General Studies courses are designed to help orient students to the university, to expose students to a variety of perspectives and to equip them with critical reading, thinking, and evaluative skills, or to offer other skill development that transcends the usual discipline-based courses. Many are open to or required of all students, regardless of major specialization. Required General Studies courses include the First Year Studio (FYT-101) or Transfer Studio (FYT-102), the Sophomore Studio (GST-098), and the University Seminars (UNV-101 and UNV-102). Other General Studies courses are required of some populations of students engaged in specialized work with other students such as new student mentors (FYT-130 Mentor Practicum) or peer tutors (GST-085 Advanced Tutoring in Disciplines).  Students on Academic Probation will be required to take GST-095 Strategies Academic Resilience. Students who enter Salve as an Exploratory student will be required to take GST-092 Introduction to Exploratory Studies.